Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Halloween Fun

Yes, I realize that it is almost Thanksgiving and I am now just getting around to posting about Halloween. At least it is BEFORE Thanksgiving, right. I should at least get credit for that. 

Carving Pumpkins:

She was totally grossed by the "guts" of the pumpkin, lol.

Here is from our Church's Trunk-or-Treat:

She loves to pose.

She was having so much fun running around.

Katie had a dance performance on Halloween. She fell asleep on the way there and was having a hard time waking up. She did great though and most importantly, she had fun!

A few still images from her performance:

And of course, the actually Treat-or-Treating:

Thursday, October 31, 2013

K comes to visit

Katie's Birth Mum "K" came to Texas this summer to visit us for the first time. It was so much fun! We have gone to Utah to visit K every year but she has never been here before. It was an even better visit than any of us had hoped for. K was able to see Katie in her own environment and to really see what her personality is like. It was nothing short of amazing!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Boo at the Zoo

Yesterday, Katie and I went to the Fort Worth Zoo for their Halloween event. It was so much fun. Katie loved all the carnival games and of course the candy. 

Her first shot went right in!

The zoo has a new area called the Texas Nature Traders. It is awesome. Here is a description of the program from their website:
This formalized program encourages kids (age 3 and older) to explore the outdoors and bring to the building fossils, rocks, bones, plants and other artifacts in exchange for points. Traders can redeem points (or save them for future use) for items in the Nature Trader inventory. 

Katie loved this area! She was in heaven looking at and touching all the different rocks and other items. We will now be on the look out for fun items to bring in.

Check out these fun pumpkins: