A game I like to play is: Yahtzee
The music I listen to most is: Country
My favorite band is: Collective Soul
A movie I watch over and over is: True Grit
My favorite quote is: Give me liberty or give me death.
My favorite thing to buy is: Vehicles (9 1/2 years of marriage 25 cars and counting)
I drive a: 2006 Honda Accord
If I could afford anything at this moment I would buy: A boat
A smell that makes me pause is: Fresh cut wood
My favorite sport to watch is: Football
My favorite restaurant is: In-n-Out Burger
A moment when I achieved absolute happiness was: When I held Katie for the first time.
My first paying job was: Delivery driver
A smell that reminds me of my childhood is: The Ocean
My favorite dessert is: Blue Bell Ice Cream
When I exercise, I like to: Use the stair climber
The best vacation I ever had was: A few months after we were married Kim and I went to British Columbia , Canada .
The thing I am most passionate about is: My family.

A game I like to play is: The Settlers of Catan – Ken hates this game but thankfully my family loves it so I play it a ton whenever I visit them. I also have the app on my iphone. Yup, I am a dork. ;)

A game I like to play is: The Settlers of Catan – Ken hates this game but thankfully my family loves it so I play it a ton whenever I visit them. I also have the app on my iphone. Yup, I am a dork. ;)
The music I listen to most is: POP (yeah I know I am 32 but I still love this type of music. It is fun to dance to.)
A movie I watch over and over is: The Proposal
A T.V. show I watch regularly is: Castle (love the comedy on this show)
My favorite quote is: I have two that I love - Live so those who know you but don't know Him will want to know Him because they know you or I aspire to be the kind of woman who wakes in the morning, places her feet on the floor and somewhere Satan mutters, "oh crud...she's up".
I drive a: Currently I drive a 2004 Lexus GX 470 but our cars change often (read Ken's answer to favorite thing to buy)
I love to collect: Christmas ornaments. Our Christmas tree is like a scrapbook of our lives. Almost all of our ornaments represent a special time we have shared.
If my house was burning down and I could only rescue three things, they would be: If my family and dog were already out I would run back in to save my scrapbooks/pictures, our external hard drive (because it holds a copy of all our digital pictures) and our Christmas ornaments. All of these items I consider to be irreplaceable.
A smell that makes me pause is: Heaven Scent (the smell that a newborn baby has)
My favorite sport to watch is: Football
My favorite restaurant is: T.G.I. Fridays
A moment when I achieved absolute happiness was: When I held my daughter for the first time.
My favorite meal is: Bertolli Tri-Color Four Cheese Ravioli with a loaf of French bread to dip in an Italian seasoning oil dip. Oh, it is so yummy but I always get a tummy ache afterwards because I eat too much. I just can't help myself!
Someone or something that made me laugh this week was: My daughter always makes me laugh. Today she was spinning around with her hands over her face just cracking up. It was really funny to watch.
My first paying job was: A cashier at a Christmas Tree Farm
The memory that still makes me laugh is: There was an incident where my husband got hurt by a dogs leash. I know that sounds bad that I laughed at that (and still am laughing about it) but it wasn't that he got hurt that made me laugh it was how he reacted to being hurt and all the things that followed. It is one of the funniest moments in our married life.
My best birthday was: My first birthday after meeting Ken. He sent me red roses from Iraq and the first season of the T.V. series Alias. The reason why is was my best birthday was because of the card that came with the flowers. The card said, "I love you too." It was the first time he said I love you to me!
My favorite dessert is: What dessert isn't my favorite! I love sweets. I especially love ice cream and frozen yogurt.
The best vacation I ever had was: A few years ago we went to southern California and that was our first big vacation with our daughter. It was a lot of fun. We went to the beach, the zoo, the wild animal park and visited with family. It was so much fun!
The thing I am most passionate about is: My family!