Saturday, November 3, 2012

Minnie Mouse to Monster Mouse

I cannot figure out what is going on with Katie lately. Since getting home from trick-or-treating she has been throwing full blown tantrums. It started when she feel asleep on the couch while eating a sucker.

When I tired to take the sucker out of her hand she woke up and freaked out. The tantrums started there and have been making return appearances daily. Ugh, so not fun to deal with. She has even been doing this in public. Thankfully those aren't too bad and I can normally calm her down.

I got her on camera today throwing a fit because she didn't get a cookie while we were shopping. The deal is, if she makes good choices during our shopping trip she gets a cookie at the end. Well, today she didn't and here is how she reacted to me telling her she wasn't getting her cookie. This was about 5-10 minutes into the fit so I was able to get her laughing towards the end. If I remain clam it seems to really help.

Sometimes she gets so worked up during these fits that she can't catch her breath. It's really quite sad. We have to remind her to take deep breaths and normally that will help. The latest melt down came tonight at 5:00 when it was time for dinner. She came to the dinner table with some toys so Ken picked them up and moved it to the other side of the table. Katie started crying and not a mad cry, a soul devastating cry. It was so sad! We finally got her to calm down by suggesting she sit on my lap to eat dinner and guaranteeing her that she would get her toys back.
She was fine after that and ate most of her dinner. However she kept laying her head on my shoulder. Before I knew it she was fell asleep with a piece of roast beef in her mouth, lol. She has only fallen asleep once like this before and she was a baby. She must have been exhausted. It was only 5:30!

(Update: When she fell asleep at 5:30 pm she stayed asleep until 5:00 am. With the time change that means she slept for 12 and 1/2 hours. She must be sick or growing.)
These fits are so not like her. I wonder if she has a little virus and just isn't feeling good. Only time will tell but one thing is for sure, I will be keeping a very watchful eye on her. I sure love my grumpy girl!

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